Monday, May 15, 2006

In the beginning..

God created the Heaven and the Earth.. oh wait wrong story! Though for us this piece of dirt, grass, water and animals is sure our Heaven on Earth!

We didn't orginally set out to be homesteaders. We were tired of living in the city but didn't really think we could make our dream of a place in the country come true.

Then one night half of our round pen was stolen while I slept in the truck not 10' away waiting for a mare to foal.

We knew it was time to do something! So we started to look for land..and we found the perfect place! 50 acres in rural Oklahoma with 40 acres of that being beautiful rolling pastures, 8 acres of woods and 2 acres of ponds! We were in love!

The only problem was there were no buildings, no running water or septic system, and only fence on two sides.

The man we were buying the land from offered to move an older trailer over there for us to live in while we built a house. That clinched the deal! Unfortunately after we closed on the land he decided that it was too much work to move the trailer. So there we were with no place to live!

Thus began our homestead adventure! We did what
any good homesteader would do.. we built what we could with what we had! Our cabin is 24'x32' and at this point has insulation, tvyek walls and the first 2 windows!
We still have no running water, but we do have most of the fencelines up. Hopefully this summer the cabin will get at least a little more finished.

It was a hard winter for us between Dens breaking his wrist, my losing my favorite mare to colic and the drought and wild fires..but we survived it with the help of our family and friends.

And when we look at this beautiful land that God has blessed us with.. we know that its all been worth it! Coming next.. meet the critters at Summer Winds!


At 8:24 PM, Blogger FarmSchooler said...


Youre 123 miles SW of me. Im at Peggs. Nice to meet ya neighbor

I love your blog and will add it to my list of weekly reading.

I think birds are my passion too. We have a toulouse goose & gander that just hatched out 5 goslings. They were out in the yard for the first time yesterday and I worried that the cats might bother them...but our geese are such good parents.

I also have 140 production reds and 6 white silkie bantams (temporary froo froo fluff balls that will leave in about a month to bless a friend of ours).

Im weaning my chicks early to a grass diet. We started them on starter, but are now cutting grass and weeds and bringing it to them in confinement every morning. They seem to be doing fine. When they are 12-14 weeks we will cull the roos (80?) and the hens (60?) will be let out during the day to free range. I cant wait to begin incubating eggs again next January.

Your house looks alot like ours. Ours is 25' x 30'.

My daughter has 2 horses that we all love alot...arabian paint mare and arabian quarter gelding.

Looking forward to getting to know you!

Dona Inman

At 6:26 AM, Blogger Jill46 said...

Lovely site - both the blog and the regular one! Thanks for sharing - made my day! :) Jill in SE Colorado


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