Thursday, May 25, 2006

Chicken Auction

We have found a new chicken auction..this could be dangerous! There is an auction every friday night in a small town near us. Last friday was the first time we went but i can see its going to be addictive!

We were just going to go check it out..not buy anything. But of course I had to get a number just incase something came up that I wanted.. you know how that goes! I was glad I had a number when a really nice chicken feeder when through pretty cheap. But then the chicks came through and they were going too cheaply to resist! So I am now the proud owner of 31 more chicks! There are 12 Rhode Island Reds, 5 Langshans, 7 Buff Orphingtons and 7 Production Reds. Hopefully not all roosters!

At this auction you bring your own cages. The other auctions we'd went to the cages were sold with the birds. So there we were with no cages..but we were assured they'd be happy to put them in boxes and bags for us!

We paid for our new wee chicks and left carrying a box of chicks and two paper grocery bags full! Now the problem became what do with them for the ride home! Since we had the pick up truck without the cab..they ended up on the floor by my feet and in my lap..of course! It was 11 pm by the time we left the auction and we still had to set up the brooder box when we got home so I suggested that we stop at McDonalds on the way home. Off we went surrounded by a lot of very LOUD peeps!

Den ask what I wanted to eat from McDonalds and I said.. anything but chicken nuggets! He didn't think I was real humorous :)

The rest of the 45 minute ride home I tried to eat my dinner and be careful not to squish any chicks! They are all in their brooder and quite happy little chickies now though. We did lose one when it broke its neck getting wedged behind the feeder :( But the others are all happy healthy little peepers. Though as you can see they are at the *so ugly they are cute* chick stage!

Our Wyandottes are sure loving getting to free range! The chicken hawks have really been circling lately too but so far the chicks are too smart to go out in the open when they are around. They sure love scratching for bugs in the woods though! Chickens are very addictive. I cant wait to see what i find at auction the next time i get to go..


At 8:13 PM, Blogger Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oh! How I wish you had updates to your terrific Blog!
We are just starting out on our own Homestead adventure...escaping the crowded, tract house, 'burbs.... and we could really learn so much from folks like you.

At 5:20 AM, Blogger Den and Cheryl said...

Its been sooo long since ive had time to blog! But your comments inspired me to try to take some time at least each week to update my blog. I love blogging almost as much as i love homesteading..unfortunately its all too easy to put it off til tomorrow when there are critters to be fed and water to be filled!



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